Benefits of Biodegradable & Compostable Plastics
Why Opt For Compostable Plastics?

Biodegradable & compostable plastics are easy to recycle
These types of plastics not only take less time to decompose when discarded but can also be easily recycled through an organic process. They are also non-toxic since they have no chemicals or toxins. Recycling helps to lessen landfill problems and besides, the recycled bio-waste can be used as compost or as renewable energy for biogas.
They consume less energy
Less energy is needed in the manufacturing of biodegradable & compostable plastics compared to ordinary plastics. For instance, the manufacture of corn-based polymer requires 65% less energy compared to a similar polymer made from petroleum. Manufacturing bio plastics also do not require the process of finding, accessing, and transportation of hydrocarbons.
This means fewer fuel fossils will be in use hence, reduction of environmental pollution. Also, it produces 68% fewer greenhouse gases during its manufacture, posing a significant environmental benefit.
Management of waste reduction
Biodegradable & compostable plastic breaks down only in a period of a few months, depending on the material used to make the bio plastic and the method of disposal. Other types of traditional plastic constitute 13 percent of the waste stream that is 32 million tons of trash annually, and only 9 percent of this type of plastic can be recycled.
Biodegradable & compostable plastics are a better choice as they are broken easily, and can be absorbed by the soil or converted into compost. Moreover, even if a complete breakdown does not occur, it is easy to achieve a reduction in the amount of space required to dispose of the globe’s plastic waste.
Lower petroleum consumption
Oil is a significant ingredient in the manufacturing of traditional plastics. Petroleum is known to have negative impacts on the environment, considering the amount of waste produced during refinement and also during the extraction of oil from the earth.
Biodegradable & compostable plastics use the idea of natural products; therefore, the use of bio plastic can profoundly reduce the amount of petroleum used and consequently lessen its environmental hazards.

Composting of bio plastic products can make the soil fertile, thereby enhancing soil fertility. The reason for this is because plastic is not made using artificial chemicals but from natural materials. The materials decay improves the soil’s water and nutrient retention and helps in the growth of healthier plants with no need for pesticides and chemical fertilizers.
Reduction of carbon dioxide levels
The production of plastics has increased significantly over the years. Scientists have approximated that by the year 2050, there could be more plastics in the ocean than fish. Drinking water will be contaminated with 80% of micro plastic at that time.
With biodegradable & compostable plastics, such as those made from sugar and carbon dioxide by researchers from the University of Bath, the world foresees a future of plastics that can decompose and release only the amount of energy that was used to make it.
Reduction of emission of greenhouse gas levels
The use of biodegradable & compostable plastic products instead of traditional plastics lessens the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. Research from North Carolina State University states that plastic products harm the landfills as they produce an intoxicating greenhouse gas when burnt. Switching to bio plastics can profoundly reduce the number of greenhouse gasses emitted, consequently avoiding its effects such as desertification and extreme flooding.
Biodegradable & compostable plastics products do not release harmful products upon decomposing
Discarding traditional plastics can also mean releasing methane, toxic chemicals, and other types of pollutants to the environment. These substances are upon breaking down, are potentially dangerous as they can easily harm marine and terrestrial ecosystems, and human overall health as well.
Bisphenol A – a significant component in the manufacturing of plastics, for instance, is associated with endocrine disruption that is incredibly harmful to the reproduction cycle of human beings. Other artificial chemicals in traditional plastics have also been linked to diseases such as cancers.